Policy dialogue aims to speed up action on tuberculosis in APEC

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The APEC Health Working Group (HWG) held a policy dialogue on Tuesday to discuss the acceleration of action on tuberculosis (TB) and multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the region.

Policy dialogue aims to speed up action on tuberculosis in APEC - ảnh 1 The policy dialogue discussed action on tuberculosis and multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in the APEC region on August 22, 2017 (Photo: VNA)

The dialogue was part of the third APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM 3) and related meetings in Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan said Vietnam has gained a number of positive outcomes in TB prevention and control in recent years. It is one of nine economies who have achieved the three main targets of TB infection minimization and one of three economies that have effectively implemented the WHO’s End TB Strategy.

Mr. Tuan said Vietnam’s top priority now is to quickly detect all TB infections and cure them so as to prevent transmission.
