Voice of Vietnam folk music programs celebrate 60th anniversary

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Voice of Vietnam held a celebration on August 21st to mark the 60th anniversary of its folk music and songs programs.
(VOVworld) - Voice of Vietnam (VOV) held a celebration on August 21st to mark the 60th anniversary of its folk music and songs programs.
Voice of Vietnam folk music programs celebrate 60th anniversary - ảnh 1
Voice of Vietnam marks the 60th anniversary of its folk music and songs programs.

VOV President Nguyen The Ky said the programs have been an inseparable part of the national broadcaster’s program list: “During its 60 years of operation, folk music and songs broadcast on Voice of Vietnam have attributed to major contributions by artists, composers, researchers and singers. The programs will improve their quality and be available on VOV TV, leaving a unique impression on the audience.”

VOV folk music and songs program cover all forms of traditional folklore and theatrical musical arts. People’s Artist Dam Lien is a popular voice on the programs: “The programs have done a good job in winning the love of audience at home and abroad by making them better understand Vietnamese folklore culture. This is the right place to preserve and develop traditional art values.”
