Ho Chi Minh City’s leader receives Australian Foreign Minister

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Van Nen on Wednesday hosted a reception for Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong, who is on a working visit to Ho Chi Minh City.
Ho Chi Minh City’s leader receives Australian Foreign Minister - ảnh 1Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Van Nen on Wednesday meets with Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong. (photo: VNA)

Nen highlighted the significance of Wong’s trip, affirming that it will generate new momentum for the bilateral relationship, especially as the two countries are marking the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations and the five years of the strategic partnership (2018 - 2023).

He said that Ho Chi Minh City and Australian partners have maintained a strong and cooperative relationship in various areas such as investment, education, and healthcare. Ho Chi Minh City aspires to further enhance cooperation with Australian partners in high-quality human resources training, energy transition, urban infrastructure development, and climate change mitigation.

Wong said high-level visits between the two countries this year demonstrate their mutual interest and common goals in developing bilateral relations, towards mutual benefits for the stable development and prosperity of the region.

Australia consistently recognizes HCM City as a vital component of the bilateral relationship between Australia and Vietnam, and it has a desire to further strengthen close cooperation activities with the southern hub in areas of mutual interest.

Australia wants to collaborate with Vietnam, including HCM City, in building a legal framework for educational cooperation between the two sides, thus making it easier for Australian academies and universities to establish branches in the city, as well as promote student exchange activities between the two countries, she said.
