Quang Binh enhances communications of sea and islands among youth

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The Political Department of Military Region 4 and related units co-organized the program "Youth with the national sea and islands" in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, on Tuesday, to communicate the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and laws on sovereignty of  the sea and islands.
Quang Binh enhances communications of sea and islands among youth - ảnh 1The organizing board gives charity houses and gifts to poor fishermen and local army units. (Photo: Minh Tu/qdnd.vn)
During the event, the organizing board gave gifts to veterans of the non-registered ships that secretly carried weapons from the north to the southern battlefields during the anti-American war, also to families of the soldiers who are on duty in Truong Sa archipelago, the coast guards, and the underprivileged  fishermen.
They donated houses to extremely poor soldier’s families in Quang Binh province and livelihood models to Youth Union members. 1,500 national flags, 400 life jackets, TV sets, and fans were also given to poor fishermen and local army units. 
