Work on seas and islands wins 2013 “Modest and Noble Exemplary Models” writing contest

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – A writing contest about a collector of precious documents on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes by Phan Tien Dung won the first prize in the 2013 “Modest and Noble Exemplary Models” writing contest.

(VOVworld) – A writing contest about a collector of precious documents on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes by Phan Tien Dung won the first prize in the 2013 “Modest and Noble Exemplary Models” writing contest.

Work on seas and islands wins 2013 “Modest and Noble Exemplary Models” writing contest - ảnh 1
A press conference on the writing contest (Photo: VOV)

The event was co-organized by the People’s Army newspaper, Vietnam Television and the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education. The writing featured Tran Thang, an Overseas Vietnamese in the US who is now Head of the Institute for Vietnamese Culture and Education (IVCE) in New York. He collected more than 150 maps and 3 atlases and then donated them to the Da Nang Institute for Socio-economic development, helping to confirm Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes. Colonel Pham Van Huan, deputy editor in chief of the People’s Army newspaper, said: "The  2013 “Modest and Noble Exemplary Models” writing contest features hundreds of good people and good deeds in all fields with veterans and soldiers as the most notable models. We are implementing the next writing contest to encourage more good examples in all areas". 

The award ceremony for the writing contest will be held on Saturday night in Hanoi.
