Rap song from doctors, nurses with messages on COVID-19

Kim Dung
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - A rap song titled “COVID slayers”, composed and performed by the medical staff of Ho Chi Minh City’s Hospital of Dermatology, is taking the internet by storm. The song reflects Vietnamese people’s determination to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and reminds listeners of the 5K message to prevent the disease (in Vietnamese), which urges people to avoid unnecessary gatherings, keep distance, wear masks, regularly sanitize hands, and make medical declaration.

Doctor Vu Thang from the Hospital of Dermatology’s Surgery department said that since the third COVID-19 outbreak in Hai Duong and Quang Ninh provinces, the city’s Health Department has requested to stop gatherings and meetings, and instead focus on fighting the pandemic. The song’s lyrics, written by doctor Thang and pharmacist Truong Tan Phat, are based on an original song by rappers/songwriters Justa Tee and MCK. It was meant for the hospital’s end-of-year celebrations. However, it quickly became popular and has encouraged the staff to continue the fight against the pandemic.

Doctor Thang said: "We were inspired by the images of doctors and nurses working at Cho Ray and Bach Mai hospitals, and at the epicenters in Quang Ninh and Hai Duong provinces. We also want to spread the 5K message on disease prevention to people across Vietnam."

Rap song from doctors, nurses with messages on COVID-19 - ảnh 1Doctors and nurses perform "COVID slayers" (Photo: VOV)

Le Thi Nhu Ngoc, a care giver at the Hospital of Dermatology, said she had to leave her children behind to join other health co-workers at the quarantine camp in Ho Chi Minh City’s National University last April. Thanks to the experience, she now understands more about the medical staff’s difficulties in ensuring people’s safety and health. Ngoc said she hopes that people will continue practicing pandemic prevention measures so that the virus can be contained soon. "When I was recording the song, I thought of my teammates and felt like the whole nation is united," she said, "Vietnamese people have a resilient spirit, and are not afraid of obstacles or difficulties. I’m proud to be part of this, and ready to work whenever needed.

The uplifting song “COVID slayers” has positive lyrics that remind listeners to wear masks, sanitize their hands often, and follow the 5K message. It was uploaded on Youtube, Tiktok, and Facebook, and has received huge support on social media. "When I was writing the song, I got very emotional. The words just kept coming, and images of the medical staff entering the epicenters, testing and categorizing patients kept running through my head. We have to wear protective suits when we’re on duty, and the lyrics also reflect that," said pharmacist Truong Tan Phat.

Rap song from doctors, nurses with messages on COVID-19 - ảnh 2Medical staff collect COVID-19 test samples.

Medical staff across Vietnam, and in HCMC, have been working hard since the Lunar New Year festival to speed up pandemic control. Bars, clubs, entertainment spots, and religious places with more than 20 people gathering are now banned in the city. Since February 11th, HCMC has recorded no new community infections. 
