World denounces North Korea’s ballistic missile tests

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(VOVworld) – The international community denounced North Korea’s 3 recent ballistic missile tests on Tuesday.

(VOVworld) – The international community denounced North Korea’s recent 3 ballistic missile tests on Tuesday.

World denounces North Korea’s ballistic missile tests - ảnh 1
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (Photo: AFP)

The spokesperson for UN Secretary General said that the launches undermine efforts to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The US strongly condemned North Korea’s recent tests, saying that the move violated UN Security Council resolutions on Pyongyang’s missile program. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said that the provocation only serves to increase the international community’s resolve to counter North Korea’s prohibited activities.

The EU Foreign Policy Chief, Federica Mogherini, said the launches violate Pyongyang’s international obligations, adding that they increase tension on the Korean Peninsula.
