World condemns Israel attacks in Gaza

Ngoc Thach, VOV Cairo
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Iran on Tuesday condemned Israeli attacks in Gaza Strip the same day that claimed the lives of 13 Palestinians including women and children.
World condemns Israel attacks in Gaza - ảnh 1An Israeli airstrike in Gaza city (Photo: AP)

In a statement, the Syrian Foreign Ministry affirmed its support for the Palestinian people and their just cause, condemned the Israeli attack and asked that Israeli officials to be held accountable for the consequences.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministry condemned Israel's escalation of violence in Gaza and the fierce attack at Nablus city, asking the international community to take immediate actions to stop this invasion and protect Palestinians there.

Amman said that the continued aggression against Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and Israeli incursions into occupied Palestinian cities threaten broader violence.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry insisted that Israel's actions cannot be accepted and demanded an immediate end to these attacks.

Iran's Foreign Ministry called the Israeli attack an act of aggression aimed at diverting public opinion from serious crises in Israel.

The Arab Parliament said that Israel's attack is a refusal to complying with legitimate international resolutions that will lead to violence and instability in the region.

