War martyrs and veterans’ contributions to national independence remembered forever

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang said that the Party and State will always remember and acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices made by war martyrs and veterans during Vietnam’s resistance wars to defend national sovereignty.
War martyrs and veterans’ contributions to national independence remembered forever - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang said that the Party and State will always remember and acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices made by war martyrs and veterans during Vietnam’s resistance wars to defend national sovereignty. At a meeting with former soldiers of divisions 313 and 314 in Hanoi on Monday, President Sang hailed their bravery on the Vi Xuyen battlefield in Ha Giang province, defending Vietnam’s northern border. He asked former soldiers to cooperate with agencies involved in the search for the remains of their comrades. Sang said: "We, especially those holding important positions in the government, are not allowed to forget those who sacrificed their lives for national independence. Remembering the source of the water we drink has become our tradition over the past 4000 years of national construction and defense. It’s the task of the Communist Party of Vietnam to uphold this tradition, which is also to follow President Ho’s teachings."
President Sang called on veterans to contribute their opinions to national construction and defense while educating younger generations of patriotism.
