Vietnam, US work to deepen comprehensive partnership

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam considers the US a leading important partner and is ready to deepen the bilateral comprehensive partnership in an effective and practical manner, on the basis of mutual respect for independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political institutions Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said on Tuesday.  
Vietnam, US work to deepen comprehensive partnership  - ảnh 1 Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son welcomes US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Hanoi on June 14, 2022. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

At a reception for visiting US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Hanoi, Minister Son congratulated the US on its successful organization of the ASEAN-US Special Summit which, he said, demonstrates Washington’s long-term commitments to enhancing cooperation with ASEAN and supporting the bloc’s centrality.

Deputy Secretary Sherman affirmed the importance the US attaches to the comprehensive partnership, saying the country consistently backs a strong and prosperous Vietnam and wishes to advance the relationship at a suitable time.

The US will continue its extensive and responsible cooperation with Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean, and strengthen collaboration with ASEAN member countries, she said.

The senior diplomats discussed international issues of shared concern like connectivity initiatives in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, the East Sea issue, sustainable development, educational cooperation in the Mekong sub-region, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Meeting with her Vietnamese counterpart Ha Kim Ngoc the same day, Deputy Secretary Sherman said the US and other countries are willing to help Vietnam with resources, finance, and technology to fulfill its commitments at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) and address war consequences.

She also announced the US’s additional funding of 19 million USD for bomb and mine clearance in Vietnam.
