Vietnam to add half a million USD to COVAX

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s Prime Minister has just decided to add 11.5 billion VND, equivalent to 500,000 USD from the central budget reserve in 2021 to the Ministry of Health to make contributions to the COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access) Facility.
Vietnam to add half a million USD to COVAX  - ảnh 1Photo:

In COVAX mechanism, the World Health Organization works with vaccine manufacturers and partners to ensure that all countries have equitable and effective access to vaccines. COVAX will ensure that participating countries have access to vaccines with coverage of about 20% of the population in 2021.

Vietnam is one of 190 countries participating in the COVAX mechanism and one of the countries included in the list of those getting sponsored in the first phase of the mechanism.

The first batch of more than 800,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine supplied by COVAX Facility through UNICEF for Vietnam arrived in Hanoi early April.
