Vietnam activates stronger COVID-19 alert system as 82 more cases tested positive

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Massive testing has been underway in Hai Duong and Quang Ninh and test results showed 82 positive cases for SARS-CoV-2 virus on Thursday morning.  These  locally-transmitted cases are linked to the two cases of COVID-19 detected on Wednesday night, ending 55-day streak without a local community case in Vietnam.

Vietnam activates stronger COVID-19 alert system as 82 more cases tested positive  - ảnh 1Areas with regular crowd gathering such as the administrative center of Ha Long city, shopping centers, and markets in Quang Ninh are installed with signs saying "Area with high risk of COVID-19 infection." 

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Head of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, told an emergency meeting on Thursday morning that Vietnam has activated disease prevention measures at a higher level and areas where the epidemic broke out have been zoned off.  

Vietnam activates stronger COVID-19 alert system as 82 more cases tested positive  - ảnh 2A woman is checked her temperature before entering the market.

Deputy Prime Minister Dam requested leaders of Hai Duong, Quang Ninh, the Ministry of Health and related forces to implement stronger disease prevention and control measures.

He called for special prudence as the case in Hai Duong is related to a new variant of SARS-CoV-2.

At the meeting, Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long said medical staff has been quickly deployed to Hai Duong to support this locality in fighting the epidemic.
