Vietnam – a responsible member for ensuring safety, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapon

Chia sẻ

(VOV) - Vietnam Ambassador Nguyen Thiep has affirmed that Vietnam is a responsible member for ensuring safety, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons at the 58thsession of the General Assembly of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held recently in Vienna, Austria.

(VOV) - Vietnam Ambassador Nguyen Thiep has affirmed that Vietnam is a responsible member for ensuring safety, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons at the 58thsession of the General Assembly of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held recently in Vienna, Austria.

Vietnam – a responsible member for ensuring safety, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapon - ảnh 1

The session drew the participation of Austrian Vice President Moriz Pollack, 39 Ministers, 21 Deputy Ministers and Secretaries of State, Ambassadors, delegation heads, and nearly 3,000 delegates from 140 member countries, as well as observers from 17 international organizations and 36 non-governmental organizations. Mr. Thiep introduced Vietnam’s outstanding achievements in the application of atomic energy for socio-economic development and implementation of nuclear power projects over the past few years. In addition, he commended Vietnam’s contributions to the joint efforts of the international community within the IAEA framework and to the 3rd Summit on Nuclear Security in The Hague, Netherlands, last  March. Under the session framework, the Vietnamese delegation participated in Science Forum 2014 on radioactive waste management and a number of meetings on issues related to nuclear safety and security, nuclear inspection, infrastructure, legal and technical cooperation, personnel training, and compensation for nuclear damage.
