US Senate hearing on normalization with Cuba

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(VOVworld)- The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday conducted a hearing on the new approach that the Obama administration is pursuing in regard to its relations with Cuba.

 US Senate hearing on normalization with Cuba  - ảnh 1
US Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson. (Photo:
(VOVworld)- The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday conducted a hearing on the new approach that the Obama administration is pursuing in regard to its relations with Cuba.  

At the hearing, themed “Forging a new path forward with Cuba”, the Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson said that the embargo policy which the US has applied to Cuba for more than half a century has failed. She added that the the Obama administration’s recent approach would pave a new way towards a better future for both Cuban and US citizens.

Ms. Jacobson said the US government has made detailed plans for future negotiations with the Cuban government, whereby, trade and telecommunications would be boosted to create business opportunities for Cuban enterprises and individuals.

The US government needs to lift the embargo against Hanava in order to reach these comprehensive changes.

At the hearing, many senators raised their voices to support the new US policy towards Hanava. However, some said that the Obama administration has been too hasty to normalize relations with Cuba.

The two sides conducted the 4th round of negotiations on normalizing diplomatic relations on Thursday.
