Unforgettable memory of the Chinese girl taking photo with President Ho Chi Minh

Bich Thuan, VOV’s correspondent in China
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - On May 20, 1957 at Gia Lam Airport in Hanoi, a 6-year-old Chinese girl was honored to talk and take photo with President Ho Chi Minh while welcoming Marshal Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov of the former Soviet Union to visit Vietnam.

Unforgettable memory of the Chinese girl taking photo with President Ho Chi Minh - ảnh 1Chinese girl Wang Xiaohong or Wang Feng met Uncle Ho on May 20, 1957 when she was 6 years old. (Photo: NVCC)

67 years later the valuable memories remain deeply imprinted in her mind, says Wang Feng, the Chinese girl who was then called Wang Xiaohong.

She told a VOV correspondent in Beijing that she was happy to have met the greatest hero of Vietnam.

“I can't forget that feeling. When I was in the army in China’s northeast and knew that President Ho Chi Minh passed away, I was very sad. I still remember when I returned from Vietnam, my father told me to study well so that I could meet Uncle Ho again,” Wang recalled.

Unforgettable memory of the Chinese girl taking photo with President Ho Chi Minh - ảnh 2Wang Feng talking with VOV’s correspondent in Beijing (Photo: Bich Thuan)

During nearly 30 years as a journalist, including 20 years working at Xinhua's Liaowang (Outlook Weekly) magazine, Wang has visited Vietnam four times and written many articles about Vietnam which she always considers her second homeland.

Of the visits, the fourth trip impressed her most when she visited President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

“Whenever I came to Vietnam, I wanted to see Uncle Ho but I missed the chance because the Mausoleum closed or our car didn’t stop there. Finally in 2017 when I returned, I told myself that I must visit Uncle Ho's Mausoleum,” Wang told VOV.

“This time the mausoleum was open to the public. I was so happy. The atmosphere in the mausoleum is very solemn where all visitors go down a long walkway and express their respect to President HCM. All lights are focused on Uncle Ho. My comrades and I bowed the heads three times on each side and in the middle to Uncle Ho. This is the gesture Chinese people use to show their extremely respect,” said Wang.

For Wang, Vietnam is a beautiful country and on the path of strong development. She always has special affection for President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people.

