UN Human Rights Council to investigate killings in Philippine drug war

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(VOVWORLD) - The UN Human Rights Council voted on Thursday to set up an investigation into mass killings during Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s so-called “war on drugs”, a step that activists said was long overdue. 
UN Human Rights Council to investigate killings in Philippine drug war - ảnh 1Troops of the Philippine Drugs Enforcement Agency (Souce: bernanews) 

Duterte’s government says police have killed about 6,600 people in shootouts with suspected drug dealers since he was elected in 2016 on a platform of crushing crime. Activists say the toll is at least 27,000.The first-ever UN resolution on the Philippines, led by Iceland, was adopted by a vote of 18 countries in favor and 14 against, including China, with 15 abstentions, including Japan. The resolution asks Philippine’s authorities to stop extrajudicial killings and cooperate with UN human rights boss Michelle Bachelet, who will report her findings in June 2020.Following the vote, Philippines Ambassador Evan Garcia said the Duterte administration is committed to upholding justice, adding that the resolution is in bad faith and will lead to far-reaching consequences.
