Turkey failed coup: Court issues arrest warrant for Fethullah Gulen

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VOvworld)- A court in Istanbul has issued an arrest warrant for US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen in connection with Turkey's recent failed coup.

(VOvworld)- A court in Istanbul has issued an arrest warrant for US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen in connection with Turkey's recent failed coup.

Turkey failed coup: Court issues arrest warrant for Fethullah Gulen - ảnh 1
Cleric Fethullah Gulen (Photo: Samaa TV)

The state-run Anadolu News Agency reported that the warrant accuses Mr Gulen of "ordering the 15 July coup attempt". The Turkish government has also accused Mr. Gulen, a former ally of President Tayyip Erdogan, of being behind the failed coup and has repeatedly urged the US to extradite this man. The US Department says Turkey needs to provide solid evidence of Mr. Gulen’s involvement in the coup. Ankara has brought charges against him but has not provided any specific evidence.
