Top quality ensured for bills, draft resolutions submitted to next NA session

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(VOVWORLD) -Full-time National Assembly deputies met on Wednesday to discuss six bills and one draft resolution that are expected to be approved at the upcoming 4th session of the 15th National Assembly. 
Top quality ensured for bills, draft resolutions submitted to next NA session  - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivers the opening speech at the meeting of full-time deputies. Photo: VNA

Addressing the event, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked for deputies’ focused efforts to review the bills and draft resolutions to ensure its top quality so that the upcoming session duration could be shortened. 

“The full-time deputy session is part of legislative activity and a forum reflecting their rights and responsibilities, echoing the National Assembly’s determination to promote full time deputies’ role, wisdom and democracy in law making towards more professional legislative body and its agency while fostering connection between practice and theory as well as voters’ aspiration,” Mr. Hue said. 

The six bills include draft Law on the Implementation of Democracy at Grassroots Level; draft law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequencies; draft Law on Medical Examination and Treatment (revised); draft Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control (revised); draft Law on Inspection (revised), and draft Law on Anti-Money Laundering (revised).
