Tet celebration for returning Vietnamese slated for February 1-2

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The annual “Xuan Que Huong” (Homeland Spring) program, the biggest cultural event held for overseas Vietnamese (OVs) on the occasion of the Lunar New Year will take place in Ho Chi Minh City on February 1 and 2.
Tet celebration for returning Vietnamese slated for February 1-2  - ảnh 1Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairwoman of the State Committee for OVs Affairs, Le Thi Thu Hang and Vice Chairman of the HCM City’s People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan host a press conference on January 15 (Photo: VOV)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairwoman of the State Committee for OVs Affairs, Le Thi Thu Hang revealed the information at a press conference in HCM City on Monday.

The program is expected to welcome 3,000 participants. A kaleidoscope of activities will be organized during the 2024 program, spotlighting the image of a dynamic and innovative HCM City.
President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse will host several events, including incense and flower offerings to President Ho Chi Minh and President Ton Duc Thang and a carp fish release ritual on the Kitchen Gods’ Day (the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month). The leader will deliver Tet greetings to the OVs on February 2.
The participants will experience Metro Line No.1 that runs from Ben Thanh Market in District 1 to Suoi Tien Theme Park in Thu Duc City and visit several historical and cultural relic sites.
Vice Chairman of the HCM City’s People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan said: “This is an honor for the Party Committee, the administration and the people of HCM City. We consider hosting program a way to make overseas Vietnamese from around the world better understand, share, and support the socio-economic development of HCM City and Vietnam in general.”
