Spanish government to respond to Catalonia’s unilateral secession

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(VOVWORLD) - The Spanish government will apply more measures if Catalonia unilaterally declares independence. Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría said on Monday that they would invoke powers to take control of the regional government if Catalonia went ahead and declared a split from Spain.
Spanish government to respond to Catalonia’s unilateral secession  - ảnh 1Spanish government to respond to Catalonia’s unilateral secession

Governor Carles Puigdemont continued to face strong criticism from European politicians due to Catalonia’s controversial moves. Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau, however, urged Catalonia’s leader not to unilaterally declare independence warning that it will risk social unity. Nathalie Loiseau, France's minister of European affairs, said any declaration of independence would leave Catalonia isolated. She said if independence were to be declared, the most immediate consequence would be that the Catalans would automatically be ejected from the European Union.
