Solutions worked out to upgrade stock market

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Finance will focus on four key tasks in an effort to upgrade the stock market as soon as next year, Deputy Minister Nguyen Duc Chi told the press on Thursday. 
Solutions worked out to upgrade stock market - ảnh 1Deputy Minister of Finance Nguyen Duc Chi exchanges information on what needs to be done to achieve the goal of upgrading the stock market. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Mr. Chi said that the first task is to tackle the pre-transaction deposit requirements for investors, especially foreign investors.

 The current regulation that foreign investors must make a 100% deposit before any transaction is made is a barrier that we must resolve if we want to upgrade the market. The Ministry of Finance has coordinated with international rating organizations and market members to review this issue and will submit to competent authorities a good and feasible plan on handling it this year,” said Chi.

The second task is transparency and clarity regarding the ownership ratio of foreign investors in enterprises listed on the stock market.

The third task is information transparency for listed businesses, in both Vietnamese and English.

The fourth task is for the Ministry of Finance to put a new securities trading system into operation as soon as possible to meet the needs of the stock market’s transactions and depository payments.

