Russia calls for restart of negotiations between P5+1 and Iran

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The P5+1 group, including 5 members of the UN Security Council and Iran should resume talks as soon as possible to seek solutions to Iran’s controversial nuclear program.

The P5+1 group, including 5 members of the UN Security Council and Iran should resume talks as soon as possible to seek solutions to Iran’s controversial nuclear program. Russia made the proposal in the context of the standstill relating to Iran’s nuclear documents. In a statement posted on the website of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov asked the relevant parties to take specific steps in the spirit of consensus to make further progress. He added that Moscow hoped the upcoming nuclear negotiations would restart as soon as possible. Sergei Ryabkov stressed Moscow’s consistent support for Tehran in its nuclear research as long as it was in the interests of civil development.
