Putin: Russia-Africa summit to be unprecedented

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(VOVWORLD) -Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday said that the upcoming Russia-Africa Summit will be a milestone—an unprecedented event attended by leaders of African countries and regional organizations. 
Putin: Russia-Africa summit to be unprecedented  - ảnh 1 Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: VNA) 

In an interview with the Russian news agency TASS, Putin said Russia-Africa relations are developing. Russia supports Africa in many ways: eliminating debt, exchanging debt for development, fighting infectious diseases, recovering from of natural disasters, resolving conflicts, and cooperating in education. Russia continues to cooperate with African countries in fighting terrorism and other security threats.

Putn says Russia cooperates with African countries without political conditions or other "special" conditions. Russia also does not impose its views, respecting the principle that "African issues must be solved by the Africans".  
