Promoting the Party’s leadership capacity

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong says the strength of the Communist Party of Vietnam lies in its close connection with the people, whose strength originates from the Party’s leadership. Trong made the remarks in an interview with Radio the Voice of Vietnam on the Lunar New Year:

(VOVworld) – Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong says the strength of the Communist Party of Vietnam lies in its close connection with the people, whose strength originates from the Party’s leadership. Trong made the remarks in an interview with Radio the Voice of Vietnam on the Lunar New Year: “The Party should be supervised by the people, listen to the people’s voices and closely connected to the people. By doing so, our Party is truly the leader and organizer of all victories of the Vietnamese revolutions, deserving to be the leader of the society, the State and people as well as the vanguard of the working class, laborers and the whole nation. Our Party is a faithful representative of the interest of the working class, laborers and the whole nation.  The Party should rectify itself to become cleaner and stronger politically, ideologically and organizationally. In the immediate future, it is necessary to implement goals set by the 11th National Party Congress and the Party Central Committee’s resolutions, including the Resolution of the 4th plenum on Party building”.

Promoting the Party’s leadership capacity  - ảnh 1

Party leader Trong stressed the need to fight corruption, which he said will make the Party cleaner and stronger. This year, the Communist Party of Vietnam will focus on preparing for the 12th National Party Congress and the reviewing 30 years of the national renewal process, according to the Party General Secretary:“Under the decision of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo, a steering committee on reviewing 30 years of the renewal process has been set up. Our work will focus on problems that need to be solved. For example, the socialist-oriented market economy, the relationship between the markets and the State with its managing role, self-reliant economy, openness and integration into the global economy, economic growth and social progress and fairness. Or State economy, multi-sectoral economy in the context of the transitional period? Or what will the world be in 5 or 10 years?

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year of the Horse, the party leader expressed his hope that the whole Party, army and people will remain united and believe in the Party and the future of national development.
