President says Vietnam neds enterprise like THACO

Vu Dung
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Sunday presented the first-class Labor Order to the Truong Hai Joint Stock Company (THACO), which had the honor of receiving the Labor Order for the second time. 
President says Vietnam neds enterprise like THACO - ảnh 1The President awards the First Class Labor Order to THACO Group. (Photo: Vu Dung/ VOV)
President Phuc, who was at a ceremony in Ho Chi Minh City to celebrate THACO’s 25 years in business, said Vietnam needs enterprises like THACO, which is mastering technology, growing robustly, competing successfully in the marketplace, and demonstrating the Vietnamese spirit of self-reliance.
"THACO is a bold and successful example of the private sector participating in restructuring and modernizing the economy. THACO's success is a symbol of success at the beginning of Vietnam's auto industry," he said.
"THACO has proven that the Vietnamese environment can produce great businesses. THACO embodies the spirit of dare to think, dare to do, and dare to inspire the success of other Vietnamese enterprises."

President Phuc said Vietnam's economic groups, both state-owned and private, need to be pioneers of research and development of high-tech applications, and conquer the global market. 
