Party Central Committee’s 13th plenum closes

Le Phuong
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The 13th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee wrapped up in Hanoi on Friday after five working days.

Party Central Committee’s 13th plenum closes  - ảnh 1 Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the closing session of the Party Central Committee’s 13th plenum. (Photo: VGP / Nhat Bac)

In his closing remarks, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong commended the entire political system, people, and soldiers for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and obtaining positive economic growth of over 2% in 9 months. He said progress has been made in culture and society affairs, while social security, welfare, and people's livelihoods have been guaranteed. The fight against corruption, and waste continued to be effective. Foreign affairs and international integration achieved important results despite the COVID-19. Defense and security were strengthened, while national sovereignty and a peaceful, stable and favorable environment for national development were maintained.

Party General Secretary and President Trong urged for vigilance in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and more focus on policies and measures to restore business and production and regain growth momentum.

He said, “Efforts should be made to urgently and seriously review and fine-tune laws, mechanisms, and policies, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation in order to soon overcome limitations and weaknesses of the economy. Disbursement of public investment capital must be strengthened. Resources from all economic and social sectors must be mobilized and used efficiently. Industries, sectors, businesses, and workers severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic must be supported. Favorable conditions must be created for enterprises and people to develop production, business and domestic market, and promote start-ups and innovation. Bad debts and weak commercial banks must be resolutely and actively handled, while the safety and reliability of credit institutions’ system must be improved. At the same time, the governance capacity and operational efficiency of state-owned enterprises must be enhanced.”

Party Central Committee’s 13th plenum closes  - ảnh 2

Delegates attend the closing session of the 13th plenum of the Party Central Committee

(Photo: VGP / Nhat Bac)

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong called for continued improvement of the draft documents to be submitted to the 13th National Party Congress.

He said, “Socio-economic development must be considered a core; Party building is key. Cultural development is the spiritual foundation of society. Ensuring national defense and security is an important and regular task. It’s necessary to kindle patriotism, self-reliance, and aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country, boost the synergy strength of the entire political system, the Vietnamese culture, and Vietnamese people; attract and appreciate talents; promote innovation, and apply science and technology, especially the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, creating a new momentum for national development."

Mr. Trong stressed the necessity to build a strong, pure, and effective political system in addition to improving the Party’s leadership capacity.
