Pakistan reveals anti-terrorism action plan

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(VOVworld) -  Pakistan on Thursday said it will set up military courts to try terror-related cases.

(VOVworld) -  Pakistan on Thursday said it will set up military courts to try terror-related cases.

 Pakistan reveals anti-terrorism action plan  - ảnh 1
Pakistan is still in mourning for those killed in last week's attack, carried out by the Pakistani Taliban (Photo:EPA)

This is part of Pakistan’s anti-terrorism plan following a deadly Taliban school attack in northern Peshawar that killed 150 people, mostly children. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said in a televised speech that strong action was needed to root out extremism and warned no mercy would be shown to those behind attacks. He stated that special courts, headed by the officers of armed forces, will be established for the speedy trial of terrorists, adding the courts will operate for two years.

The plan includes a wide range of measures - cutting financial aid to terrorists, preventing banned organizations from operating with new names, amending constitution, banning space for terrorists in electronic and print media, destroying their communication systems, and repatriating Afghan refugees.
