New book collection of wartime letters hits the shelves

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The book titled "Letters of Vietnam Wartime" released recently in HCM City includes 200 handwritten letters from soldiers and young people collected and compiled by journalist Dang Vuong Hung.
New book collection of wartime letters hits the shelves - ảnh 1The book cover of "Letters of Vietnam Wartime." (Photo:

The Truth National Political Publishing House has launched a special collection of letters showcasing the glorious national history and the love of a young generation during the country's wartime.

Nguyen Hoai Anh, deputy director of the Truth National Political Publishing House said that the majority of the letter writers are no longer alive. These letters belong to a fearless, young generation that was prepared to lay down their lives to achieve the revolutionary ideal and bring about the liberation of their country.

Their small handwriting of "hasty words" on the old papers are touching stories about history and the ideals, sacrifice and dedication of the young people during wartime.

Anh said he hoped that when turning from the first page to the last page of the book, readers would be able to accompany writers, most of them were soldiers, reminiscing about the hard days of fighting and experiencing moments of relaxing and dreaming about their families and beloved ones.
