NA discusses investment in ethnic, mountainous regions for sustainable growth

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(VOVWORLD) - Under the national target program of socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for 2021-2030, the National Assembly aims to narrow the development gaps between regions. 
NA discusses investment in ethnic, mountainous regions for sustainable growth - ảnh 1

Addressing the ongoing National Assembly session on Friday, deputy Leo Thi Lich from Bac Giang province called for priority list to create breakthroughs. She said: “We should set out a priority list to focus on poverty reduction and household lending while increasing added values in farming products with more local innovation in the value chain.”

 Deputy To Van Tam from Kon Tum province said: “I suggest 3 immediate tasks to ensure efficient poverty reduction in ethnic and mountainous areas. These are land for production of cultivable soil, reallocation and efficient production as well as advanced farming technology application for more participation in the value chain.”

Minister and Head of the Government’s Ethnic Affairs Commission, Do Van Chien, said the government is willing to pour more capital to reach the set targets. He added: “We will absorb those inputs for better programs and feasibility and report the National Assembly annually. This support program for ethnic and mountainous regions will strengthen national unity and ease the burden of ethnic people.”  

The NA is particularly focused on fine-tuning laws to ensure human rights in civic, political, economic, social and cultural aspects and the specific rights of ethnic minority people.
