NA Chairman works with Institute for Legislative Studies

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Chairing a meeting with the Institute for Legislative Studies on Friday, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue emphasized that legislative work or decision making must be based on political and scientific grounds and requirements of practice. 
NA Chairman works with Institute for Legislative Studies - ảnh 1

As a research agency of the Assembly, the Institute should strengthen long-term capacity; promote international cooperation; and set up a mechanism to closely coordinate with the Bar Association to work on important laws, he said.

At the upcoming session, the National Assembly will focus on legislative work, discussing 13 bills, including Land Law (amended), Law on Anti-Money Laundering (amended), and Law on Electronic Education (amended). National Assembly Chairman Hue suggested that the Institute urgently review, evaluate and provide scientific arguments for the revision of the Land Law.
