Migrant crisis: Significant drop in Mediterranean migrant deaths

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(VOVworld) – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said Tuesday that the number of deaths of people trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe has fallen off significantly.

(VOVworld) – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said Tuesday that the number of deaths of people trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe has fallen off significantly.

Migrant crisis: Significant drop in Mediterranean migrant deaths  - ảnh 1
More than 3,770 people are estimated to have died trying to reach Europe during 2015.
(Photo: Italian Army/ Marina Militare/ Anadolu Agency)

IOM spokesman Joel Millman said that so far this year 1,370 migrants and refugees have perished at sea, 24 percent fewer than in the same period last year. Millman said the dramatically lower Mediterranean death toll this month appeared to be due to increased efforts by the Libyan coast guard to stop migrants from setting off on dangerous voyages, more rescues at sea and the EU-Turkey migrant deal on which took effect in March. Under that deal, Turkey is taking back migrants who land on Greek islands in exchange for incentives, including billions of euros in aid and visa-free European travel for its citizens. The agreement is the cornerstone of the EU’s plan to curb a crisis that has seen 1.25 million Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, and other migrants enter Europe since January 2015.
