Middle East mired in escalating tensions

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(VOVWORLD) - Tensions in the Middle East has been escalating following the US’s declaration of additional troops deployed to the region after hundreds protesters stormed its embassy compound in Iraq on Tuesday. An Iranian Quds Force commander, who was accused by the US of masterminding the Baghdad embassy attack, was killed in a US airstrike on Friday.

Middle East mired in escalating tensions - ảnh 1Protesters set fire to part of the wall surrounding the US embassy in Baghdad on December 31, 2019. (Photo: Reuters)

The US airstrike on Iraq’s Shia militia last week triggered protests outside the embassy. Washington said the airstrike retaliated against rocket fires on US’s military base, which it blamed Iran for being behind the attack. The US has sent 750 more troops to the Middle East, which runs counter to a recent announcement by US President Donald Trump on reducing the US’s military presence in the region. None of regional countries have responded to the deployment except for Iraq, whose President has voiced concern over a possible war between the US and Iran.

The US-Iran relations have worsened and the Middle East will continue to be ravaged by conflicts and violence in 2020. The question is whether the US is ready for a comprehensive military confrontation with Iran? The answer from observers is no, as President Trump is dealing with impeachment battle with the Congress and preparing for his reelection campaign.        
