Libyan peace talks call for a nationwide cease-fire

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(VOVworld) – Libya’s elected parliament to the UN-brokered peace talks in Ghadamis, west Libya, called Monday for a cease-fire by armed factions and a dialogue to end the violence that has Libya on the brink of a civil war.

(VOVworld) – Libya’s elected parliament to the UN-brokered peace talks in Ghadamis, west Libya, called Monday for a cease-fire by armed factions and a dialogue to end the violence that has Libya on the brink of a civil war.

Libyan peace talks call for a nationwide cease-fire  - ảnh 1

Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Bernardino Leon congratulating delegates to the Ghadamis meeting.

The 27 members of Libya’s House of Representatives agreed to re-open airports and resolve humanitarian issues under UN meditation. The delegates include 15 from the internationally recognized parliament elected in June with headquarters in Tobruk and 12 deputies from Misrata who have seized Tripoli and set up an alternative assembly. The participants rejected the use of force and agreed that political dialogue is the only way to deal with the current crisis. They also agreed to convene a second round of talks after the Eid Al-Adha holiday, the Islamic Feast of Sacrifice. At that point, they said, they will address all outstanding differences between them. But the date and venue for that talk is still to be decided.
