Libya accuses US of violating its territorial integrity in Benghazi attack

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(VOVworld) – Libya’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that a US task force violated Libya’s territorial integrity when it arrested a man suspected of planning a terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi in 2012.

Libya accuses US of violating its territorial integrity in Benghazi attack - ảnh 1
Image believed to be Benghazi bombing suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala, seized by US Authorites.
(Photo: Libya International Channel)

(VOVworld) – Libya’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that a US task force violated Libya’s territorial integrity when it arrested a man suspected of planning a terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi in 2012. The statement came after the US arrested Ahmed Abu Khatallah near Benghazi on Sunday.
A Libyan Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the US did not inform the Libyan government before conducting the assault which resulted in the arrest. Lassoued said Libya has the right to try Khatallah in Libya and asked Washington to return the suspect.
