Lacquer paintings feature Mother Goddess Worshipping belief

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(VOVworld) – Twenty six lacquer paintings by painter Tran Tuan Long featuring the Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual are on display at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

(VOVworld) – Twenty six lacquer paintings by painter Tran Tuan Long featuring the Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual are on display at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum.

Lacquer paintings feature Mother Goddess Worshipping belief - ảnh 1
Visitors to painter Tran Tuan Long’s exhibition featuring the Mother Goddess Worshipping Ritual (Photo: Lan Anh/VOV5)

Entitled “Gia Thanh”, the solo exhibition is the first painting exhibition about Dao Mau, the Worship of Mother Goddesses in Vietnam, since it was recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity last December.

Long has been fascinated by Hau Dong, or trance ritual, for 20 years. In his paintings, Long uses folk decoration motifs including reliefs and worship objects.

Lacquer paintings feature Mother Goddess Worshipping belief - ảnh 2
A lacquer painting on display at the exhibition (Photo: Lan Anh/VOV5)

Painter Tran Hoang Yen commented while visiting the exhibition: “I’m very surprised to see paintings which are not just beautiful, but awaken in me a strong feeling. It’s like attending a trance ritual that is very sacred.”
