Kurdistan accepts Baghdad’s terms for dialogue

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(VOVWORLD) - The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Tuesday agreed with the Federal Government in Baghdad to engage in talks with the aim of ensuring that Baghdad restores control over crossing borders with Iran and Turkey. 
Kurdistan accepts Baghdad’s terms for dialogue - ảnh 1 Iran has three main crossings with the Kurdish region; Haji Omaran (in Erbil Province), Parwezkhan, and Bashmaq (AFP)

The KRG reached a consensus to engage in a dialogue to resolve the ongoing political crisis in Iraq following a referendum on Kurdistan independence. 

The agreement between Erbil and Baghdad consists of seven conditions: First: Erbil must hand over to Baghdad all crossing borders with Iran and Turkey. Second: A new High Commission will regulate the activities of crossings and airports. Third: A KRG technical delegation is expected to arrive in Baghdad to examine the Federal Government’s powers and privileges. Fourth: Another KRG commission will be formed to follow up with the educational and health sectors. Fifth: Water resource will be redistributed revenues. Sixth: KRG’s officials and ministers will be invited to convene with Federal Government members in Baghdad. Seventh: The September referendum on Kurdistan independence is null.
