Kabul says to resume Taliban-US talks in Doha

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(VOVWORLD) - Spokesman for the Taliban-led administration Zabihullah Mujahid has said talks between Taliban and the United States would resume in Qatar's capital Doha. 
Kabul says to resume Taliban-US talks in Doha - ảnh 1Spokesman for the Taliban-led administration Zabihullah Mujahid. (Photo: Xinhua/ VNA)

Mujahid said that the talks would help renew commitments and remove concerns and that efforts would continue for the release of Afghanistan's frozen money.

Meanwhile, spokesman for the Afghanistan foreign ministry Abdul Qahar Balkhi said that a ranking Kabul delegation led by acting Foreign Minister Mawlavi Amir Khan Muttaqi would stay in Doha from Saturday to Monday to talk with the US.

Matters pertaining mutual interests including releasing frozen assets, humanitarian assistance, and reopening the US embassy in Afghanistan would be discussed in the talks, local media reported.
