Iran reaffirms non-production of missiles carrying warheads

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(VOVWORLD) - Iran does not develop missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead, said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Friday. He reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to the nuclear agreement it signed with the P5+1 group in 2015.
Iran reaffirms non-production of missiles carrying warheads - ảnh 1Iran's Simorgh rocket carrying a satellite was launched on July 27, 2017. (Photo: EPA/VNA) 

Zarif tweeted that “every word in the nuclear agreement had been negotiated accurately and Iran does not manufacture missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads”.

Zarif’s statement came after the US imposed fresh sanctions on Iran in response to its rocket launch on Thursday. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has warned of further sanctions designed to stop Iran's ballistic missile development.      
