Iran dismisses UN nuclear watchdog’s claims about nuclear site

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(VOVWORLD) - Iran on Monday rejected a complaint by the UN nuclear watchdog that it blocked IAEA observers from accessing a nuclear site, arguing that the facility is exempt from a recent agreement. 

Iran dismisses UN nuclear watchdog’s claims about nuclear site - ảnh 1Satellite photo shows the Sanjarian nuclear site in eastern Tehran on October 15, 2020. (Photo: AFP/VNA) 

Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA Kazem Gharibabadi on Monday rejected the charge on Twitter, saying that the watchdog’s announcement on Sunday was not accurate and went beyond the agreed terms.

During the discussions in Tehran and Vienna, Iran indicated that equipment related to the TESA Karaj centrifuge component manufacturing workshop were not included, he said. 

At an IAEA board meeting in Vienna on Monday, the EU released a statement urging Iran to grant inspector access to all nuclear sites immediately.
