IOC won’t ban Russian delegation from Rio Olympics

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(VOVworld) – On Sunday, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided not to ban Russia totally from next month’s Rio Olympics for doping, ruling that decisions on individual competitors will be left to the international sports federations.

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided not to ban Russia totally from next month’s Rio Olympics for doping, ruling that decisions on individual competitors will be left to the international sports federations.

IOC won’t ban Russian delegation from Rio Olympics - ảnh 1
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach at a press conference.
(Photo: AFP/ Getty Images)

The IOC Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland, voted to allow the Russian delegation to take part in the Olympics but asked each international sport federation to form a committee to verify the eligibility of athletes on an individual basis. The move left open the possibility that some Russian athletes will ultimately be allowed to compete in the Rio Games if they can prove they haven’t been taking performance-enhancing drugs.
