Incense offerings commemorate Hanoi victims of 1972 US airstrikes

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A delegation of Hanoi officials led by Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Hoang Trung Hai laid wreaths at the B52 victory monument at Hanoi’s Kham Thien street on Tuesday to commemorate those who lost their lives during the US's Christmas airstrikes in 1972.
Incense offerings commemorate Hanoi victims of 1972 US airstrikes - ảnh 1 Hanoi officials pay respect to victims of the 1972 US airstrikes on Kham Thien street. (Photo: VNA)

The US waged a bombing campaign in the north of Vietnam during 12 days of December, 1972. On the night of December 26, Hanoi’s densely-populated residential areas, including Kham Thien street were relentlessly attacked by many B52s. As many as 287 people were killed, 290 injured, and nearly 2,000 houses, schools, and pagodas were destroyed.
