High consensus reached on guidelines for drafting of 14th Party Congress documents: Party leader

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said senior Party members have reached a high consensus on guidelines for the drafting of documents to be presented at the 14th National Party Congress. 
High consensus reached on guidelines for drafting of 14th Party Congress documents: Party leader - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VOV)

Addressing the Party Central Committee’s plenum which closed on Saturday, Party leader Trong emphasized that that the draft documents must reflect the nation’s will and power to move forward as well as major policies, directions, and policies, which ensure the success of comprehensive and consistent national renewal.

He underscored the need for a more creative, resolute, and effective approach to the ongoing implementation of three strategic breakthroughs, including institutions, human resources, and infrastructure, outlined at the 13th National Party Congress.

"We need to focus on critical and specific contents such as synchronously building and implementing institutions and policies to promote the development of science, technology, and innovation; and encouraging the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility, and daring to innovate for development," Party leader Trong said.
It is essential to fundamentally and comprehensively renew cadre work; attract, nurture, develop, and value talents; and build infrastructure for digital transformation, green transformation, and energy transition to create new development breakthroughs, he added. 
