HCM City, World Bank cooperate to improve local life quality

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - The southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City and the World Bank have agreed to shake hands to improve the quality of life for the city dwellers. The agreement was reached by Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh

(VOVworld) - The southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City and the World Bank have agreed to shake hands to improve the quality of life for the city dwellers. The agreement was reached by Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Phong and Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank Kristalina Georgieva during their meeting in the city on Friday.

HCM City, World Bank cooperate to improve local life quality - ảnh 1
HoChiMinh city and the World Bank cooperate to improve local life quality (Photo: Hoang Hai/TTXVN)

Phong thanked the bank for supporting the city to carry out projects to address such major issues as environment pollution, climate change adaptation, and local living standard improvement.

Phong said that HoChiMinh city’s authorities pledged to make effective use of the World Bank loans and closely work with the bank to implement the aforesaid projects for the sake of the people. He expressed his belief that the World Bank in Vietnam will continue its active role in developing the bilateral sound relations.

Kristalina Georgieva said she wants to push ahead with cooperation with HoChiMinh City to address difficulties in urban development, particularly climate change adaptation and transport infrastructure improvement.

She took note of the city’s proposals and affirmed the World Bank’s capacity and readiness to support HoChiMinh City to realize significant projects to increase its competitive edge and position, thus bringing a better life for local residents.


