Front leader sends letter of greetings to Christians

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Do Van Chien has sent a letter of congratulations to Catholic and Protestant dignitaries, priests and followers nationwide, wishing them a warm and merry Christmas.
Front leader sends letter of greetings to Christians - ảnh 1Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission of Mass Mobilization Bui Thi Minh Hoai congratulates Evangelical Church of Vietnam (North) (Photo: VNA)

In the letter, Chien said this year, the Christmas comes in the new normal, despite the COVID-19 pandemic has still been witnessing complicated developments but it has been basically controlled.

The Front leader expressed his firm belief that Catholic and Protestant dignitaries, priests and followers will continue building on the tradition of patriotism and stay united together with the people nationwide in socio-economic development, thus improving the material and spiritual lives and building a country of prosperity and well-being. In conclusion, Chien wished Catholic and Protestant dignitaries, priests and followers a New Year of happiness, good health and success.
