First batch of Vietnamese lychees sold in France

Huynh Diep, VOV’s reporter in France
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The first batch of Vietnam’s Thanh Ha lychees has hit the shelves of Thanh Binh Jeune supermarket, an Asian supermarket chain,  in Paris.
First batch of Vietnamese lychees sold in France - ảnh 1 Thanh Ha lychees from Hai Duong province are now available in France.
(Photo: VOV)

The consignment was shipped to France under the preferential tariffs of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which took effect 10 months ago.

Vu Anh Son, head of the Vietnam Trade Office in France, said Thanh Ha lychees are selling for 18 euros a kilo.  

“Imports of single large-volume consignments from Vietnam to supermarket chains in France were interrupted for a couple of recent years. We have finally resumed. The arrival in France of a batch of lychees from the Thanh Ha area of Hai Duong province is a result of the government’s determination and commitment to help businesses,” said Son.

Vietnam plans to export more than 10 tons of lychees to France in 2022.
