Film screening in France calls for support for Vietnam’s AO/dioxin victims

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A documentary was screened in Choisy-le-Roi, a city in the suburbs of France’s Paris, on Thursday to call for support for the victims of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin in Vietnam. 
Film screening in France calls for support for Vietnam’s AO/dioxin victims - ảnh 1The film screening at Paul Eluard Theatre in Choisy-le-Roi city on February 10. (Photo: Nguyen Thu Ha/ VNA)

The film, titled “Chat doc da cam - Qua bom no cham” (Agent Orange - A delayed-action bomb), was produced in 2013 under the direction of Ho Thuy Tien and Laurent Lindebrings. Following the screening, the audience joined in a talk with Tran To Nga, an 80-year-old Vietnamese-French woman and also an AO/dioxin victim, about the destructive toxin’s impacts on human health and the environment.

According to Choisy-le-Roi Mayor Tonino Panetta, the film screening aimed to honour Nga’s fight for justice and also demonstrated his city’s support for her and other AO/dioxin victims in Vietnam.

The official said he hopes through this event, locals would understand that war is not the only solution to problems, and that regardless of victory or loss, the result of every war is only disaster and to Vietnam, that disaster is AO/dioxin.
