Egyptian judges condemn Morsi’s new decree

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Egypt’s Supreme Judicial Council on Saturday condemned the new constitutional declaration and demanded that powers of constitutional oversight be restored to the courts.  After an emergency meeting, the body expressed concern over President Mohamed Morsi's decision to replace the country's chie

Egypt’s Supreme Judicial Council on Saturday condemned the new constitutional declaration and demanded that powers of constitutional oversight be restored to the courts. 

Egyptian judges condemn Morsi’s new decree - ảnh 1
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi

After an emergency meeting, the body expressed concern over President Mohamed Morsi's decision to replace the country's chief prosecutor and make presidential decrees immune to judicial review. Meanwhile, many courts in different provinces went on strike and demanded president to retrieve his newly released decree. In Cairo on Saturday, police fired tear gas at opponents of the presidential decree at the city's Tahrir Square.

In related developments, 15 parties and political groups has called on a large-scale demonstration next Tuesday in protest of President Morsi’s decree. They also plan a sit-in protest in Cario’s Tahrir Square with the participation of thousands of Egyptians. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood organization has called on its members to join a march on Sunday to support President Morsi.
