COVID-19: Vietnam to focus on epidemic control, safe co-existence, behavior change

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s top priorities in the ongoing fight against the new coronavirus are effective control of COVID-19, safe coexistence with the epidemic to spur economic growth, and a lifestyle change, according to Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam. 
COVID-19: Vietnam to focus on epidemic control, safe co-existence, behavior change  - ảnh 1 Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam at a meeting of the National Steering Commitee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, April 17, 2020. (Photo: VGP/Dinh Nam)  

Mr. Dam told reporters on Friday that COVID-19 is under control in Vietnam but disease prevention measures must be strictly enforced as the pandemic continues to spread around the world and a vaccine will not be available in the immediate future.

"We need to promote e-payment services, ensure a civilized lifestyle in public places and religious festivals, among others. Personal habits should also be adjusted,” he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Dam said COVID-19 has slowed in Vietnam after 2 weeks of social distancing but greater efforts should be made to contain the epidemic.
