Basket and brocade weaving of the S'tieng recognized as national heritages

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -The traditional crafts of basket weaving and brocade weaving of the S'tieng ethnic minority in Binh Phuoc province were declared National Intangible Cultural Heritages at a ceremony on Wednesday at Bu Gia Map National Park.

Basket and brocade weaving of the S'tieng recognized as national heritages - ảnh 1Baskets and brocade products are on display at the ceremony to declare S'tieng ethnic’s traditional crafts as National Intangible Cultural Heritage. (Photo: VNA)

Binh Phuoc is home to many ethnic groups, of which the S'tieng have the second largest population, approximately 97,000 people living in 11 districts in Binh Phuoc. The unique cultural identity of the S'tieng includes basket and brocade weaving.

The inclusion of the two crafts in the National Intangible Culture Heritage list honors their historical and cultural value and the efforts of S'tieng artisans to preserve and promote the crafts.

