Australia’s ABC highlights how Vietnam effectively beats COVID-19 for second time

Viet Nga/VOV reporter in Australia
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Australia's ABC Media Group on Wednesday  attributed Vietnam’s rapid, effective, and low-cost response to the country’s success in bringing the epidemic to a halt again. 
Australia’s ABC highlights how Vietnam effectively beats COVID-19 for second time - ảnh 1

The article said the second wave of COVID-19 occurred in Da Nang City at the end of July, but thanks to the rapid lockdown with tight control of travel to and from the city, the spread of the epidemic was contained.

The article quoted Guy Thwaites, director of the Ho Chi Minh City-based Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, as saying: "[Authorities did] all of the simple stuff they did last time, but they did it at scale and they did it rapidly, pool sampling was used, whereby the samples of five or six people can be tested together.” "Whole households went into one sample," Professor Thwaites said, adding that communities or neighborhoods with known cases were targeted first. "In that way they were able to test the equivalent of around 100,000 people through around 20,000 tests. This allowed them to save a lot of time and money."

The ABC said Vietnam's Government went in fast and hard against the virus. Testing, aggressive contact tracing and a mass multi-faceted public health campaign were quickly mobilized. Face masks became mandatory for all people who were outdoors. There has a very rapid and very well-organized response, the article said.
